
Enterprise AI World 2024 Is Nov. 20-21 in Washington, DC. Register now for $100 off!


The Rise of GenAI and LLMs

In 1950, Alan Turing suggested a test to determine if computers could mimic human intelligence well enough that an impartial observer could no longer tell the difference. We are still talking about the Turing Test almost 75 years after its inception.

Smart Manufacturing: Market and Top Companies Overview

Overview of the the smart manufacturing market, including smart manufacturing solutions, security implications, safety considerations, and a look at the future.

AI in Manufacturing: Market Overview and Applications

AI is presently powering a wide variety of business and consumer applications, such as sifting through mountains of Big Data to extract precious business intelligence, permitting a vehicle to drive itself, or helping a teenager write a term paper. In the enterprise space, artificial intelligence is now present (almost omnipresent) in virtually every industry sector, including finance, healthcare, transportation, energy, and manufacturing, where AI is essential to enabling the information centric Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0.

Enterprise AI Case Studies

CoreWeave Selects Nokia to Provide Networking Foundation for Hyperscale AI Cloud

CoreWeave to deploy Nokia IP and optical platforms in data centers across U.S. and Europe as part of massive wide area network buildout to support high-performance AI infrastructure.

MUSC Health Leverages AI Agent Powered by the Amelia Patient Engagement Solution

MUSC Health's new AI agent, named Emily, leverages Amelia's integration with Epic and is currently available 24/7 to answer calls within MUSC Health's patient access center.

TCS Plans to Reinvigorate Xerox’s Technology Services with GenAI

The deal will showcase the enterprise-wide potential of cloud and generative AI to improve business and IT service delivery.

Enterprise AI Whitepapers

2024 Enterprise AI Sourcebook

The Enterprise AI Sourcebook brings together the leading experts from across the industry to dive into the most important trends as the go-to resource for real direction on the risks, obstacles, solutions, and best practices. Download this special publication today.

The AI Security & Governance Report

Compliance, privacy, and ethics have always been top priorities for data-driven organizations. But as generative AI advances open new doors and opportunities for innovation, the stakes have never been higher than they are right now.

2024 State of Reliable AI Survey

Like any data product, when it comes to AI, garbage data in means garbage responses out. The success—and safety—of AI depends on the reliability of the data that powers it.

Unified Data Layer: Transforming Data Choas into Actionable Insight

In today's fast-paced world, making the most of your data is critical to staying ahead. Your organisation faces challenges in overcoming messy, unstructured, and siloed data. Datavid's UDL has the solution.

Manufacturing Companies and Suppliers
Manufacturing Directory