
Enterprise AI World 2024 Is Nov. 20-21 in Washington, DC. Register now for $100 off!

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The Enterprise AI Sourcebook delivers in-depth analysis on the current state of the marketplace and budding ecosystem of technologies, tools, and practices across the AI lifecycle with an emphasis on solving real-world business problems. In addition to highlighting essential use cases and innovative applications, our experts discuss the key technical and organizational issues for achieving AI readiness and designing, developing, and deploying AI solutions in the enterprise.

Expert Analysis

The Enterprise AI Sourcebook will present in-depth articles on the most pressing topics:

  • The Rise of Generative AI and LLMs
  • Rethinking the Enterprise Data Stack for the AI Era
  • Data Quality: The Elephant in the AI Room
  • Developing a Strong AI Governance Framework
  • Accelerating AI Development with Synthetic Data
  • Adding Meaning to Data: Knowledge Graphs, Vector Databases, and Ontologies
  • Transforming Customer Service with AI and Knowledge Management
  • Elevating Enterprise Search with AI, ML, NLP, and LLMs
  • The Future of Work: Chatbots, Voicebots, and Virtual Assistants
  • Upskilling and Reskilling for the AI Age
  • Market Reach

Published in print and as a special PDF download on EnterpriseAIWorld.com for registered viewers, this unique publication will reach more than 150,000 IT and business professionals at organizations across North America through online, email, and email newsletter advertising.

Enterprise AI Directory

Highlight your company, products, or services with a Solutions Directory listing in the Sourcebook and on EnterpriseAIWorld.com. Listings are positioned alphabetically.

Lead Generation

Gold and Platinum sponsors gain access to contact information of everyone who downloads the PDF.

For additional information or answers to specific questions, contact: 

LaShawn Fugate, Account Executive
Phone: 859-361-0667
Email: lashawn@infotoday.com

Stephen Faig, Group Sales Director
121 Chanlon Road 
New Providence NJ 07974
Office: 908-795-3702 
Cell: 973-224-2930 
Email: sfaig@infotoday.com 

Adam Shepherd, Advertising & Sales Coordinator
Phone: 908-917-2065
Email: ashepherd@infotoday.com