
View the Advance Program PDF for Enterprise AI World and its co-located events!

  • Monday Nov 18
  • Tuesday Nov 19
  • Wednesday Nov 20
  • Thursday Nov 21
Optional Pre-Conference Workshops/Conference Day
Optional Conference Day
9:00 AM
Optional Pre-Conference Workshops/Conference Day
Length: 7 Hour 30 Minutes
Description: Enterprise AI World is part of KMWorld 2024 featuring five co-located events: KMWorld 2024, Taxonomy Boot Camp, Enterprise Search & Discovery, Text Analytics Forum, and Enterprise AI World. Upgrade to a Platinum Pass for your choice of two preconference workshops or access to Taxonomy Boot Camp on Monday. Workshops are also separately priced.

5:00 PM
Optional Pre-Conference Workshops/Conference Day
Length: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Description: Join us for the Enterprise Solutions Showcase Grand Opening reception. Explore the latest products and services from the top companies in the marketplace while enjoying drinks and light bites. Open to all conference attendees, speakers, and sponsors.

8:30 AM
Optional Conference Day
Length: 8 Hour 30 Minutes
Description: Enterprise AI World is part of KMWorld 2024. Upgrade to a Platinum or Gold Pass for extended access to KMWorld 2024, Enterprise Search & Discovery, Text Analytics Forum, and Taxonomy Boot Camp, a series of co-located events happening alongside Enterprise AI World 2024. See the registration page for details.

5:00 PM
Optional Conference Day
Length: 1 Hour
Description: Stop by the Enterprise Solutions Showcase after a full day of stimulating sessions to mix and mingle with other conference attendees, speakers, and our conference sponsors.

8:00 AM
Continental Breakfast
Length: 30 Minutes
8:30 AM
Length: 45 Minutes
, Founder & CEO, Pontefract Group
Description: Today’s business landscape is changing faster than ever before in history. The power of inclusive engagement and collaborative curiosity cannot be overstated. Join leadership strategist and award-winning author Dan Pontefract as he unveils essential techniques to cultivate a culture where every voice is valued and heard. Drawing on global primary research and more than 25 years of experience with leading organizations, he shares actionable insights and transformative strategies that empower KM teams to work better together. Gain expert tips on creating an environment where collaboration prospers, every team member feels genuinely valued, and the opportunity to bloom is open to all.

9:15 AM
Length: 15 Minutes
, Chief KM Strategist, Verint
Description: As organizations integrate AI into their product ecosystems, innovative KM practices are essential to keep information relevant and useful. In the age of GenAI and LLMs, the principle of “garbage in, garbage out” remains true—AI systems are only as effective as the data they process. Chmaj discusses emerging content models, new competencies, advanced authoring techniques, and governance practices that are transforming the KM landscape. It’s vital that companies evolve their technology, resources, and strategies to unlock the full potential of AI-driven KM capabilities. In this dynamic and complex AI landscape, content remains king! Get lots of insights and ideas from our experienced KM leader.

9:30 AM
Length: 15 Minutes
, Principal, Chief Technology Officer, NEPC, LLC
, CMO, M-Files
Description: The productivity of knowledge workers is critically important to the growth and profitability of businesses. However, they remain weighted down, spending nearly half their time on mundane tasks, leaving less time for the work that matters most. An organization’s information is the lifeline that provides the insights required to gain collective intelligence. Speakers discuss how organizations can gain a strategic, competitive advantage by leveraging knowledge work automation. They share actionable insights on harnessing the power of automation and AI to eliminate information chaos, improve productivity, and reduce business risk to enable knowledge workers to thrive. 

9:45 AM
Length: 15 Minutes
, Chief Strategist & Evangelist, Sinequa
Description: As a thought leader in applying search, AI, and LLMs to solve business problems so companies use their information assets to accelerate innovation, inform decision making, and improve outcomes, our speaker shares insights, ideas, and real-world case studies of how organizations successfully do this.

10:00 AM
Coffee & Networking Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
Length: 45 Minutes
10:45 AM
Length: 45 Minutes
, Director, Imagining the Digital Future Center, Elon University

The rapid growth of public usage of LLMs such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude has surpassed the classic tipping point in technology adoption that usually comes after so-called "early adopters" embrace an innovation. Our knowledgeable and popular speaker shares research and insights from recent studies that explore the impact and consequences of the spread of AI systems into usage by the general public. About a quarter of American adults now use such models. The progress of those models in meeting or surpassing human intelligence raises big questions for enterprises. Rainie discusses the latest research about the rapid development and adoption of AI in the enterprise.

11:45 AM
Length: 45 Minutes
, Librarian | Assistant Professor, St. Petersburg College
, Director of Strategic Innovation, Evolve Project

How do people translate complex human thoughts into machine-readable formats?  What can we learn from AI and the arts? This session looks at how artificial creativity can redefine knowledge sharing in our digital age. It discusses ethical virtual zoos and aquariums, conversational avatars, and van Gogh and other chatbots. It shows the power of LLMs and embodied AI in capturing and helping preserve our culture. AI not only showcases technology's potential for storytelling and education, but it also illustrates how AI can breathe new life into the narratives of historical and expert figures, opening up new possibilities for AI as a tool for cultural preservation and enrichment, and demonstrating its potential to create immersive and interactive experiences that resonate with organizations. Get lots of ideas for your enterprise and be inspired to look at AI in a different light.

12:30 PM
Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
Length: 1 Hour
1:30 PM
Length: 45 Minutes
, Senior Product Manager, Walmart
, Senior Taxonomy Analyst, Electronic Arts (EA)

Our practitioners share how their organizations are dealing with AI.

2:30 PM
Length: 45 Minutes
, Chief GenAI Consultant, GenIQ Advisors
, Chief Technology/AI Officer, LabSavvy

Queret presents a practical framework to assess your organization's GenAI readiness, the secret weapon of successful GenAI adopters. Gain crucial insights into the data management, AI capabilities, and technological infrastructure needed for a smooth transition. Identify strengths to build on and weaknesses to address before GenAI implementation. Get tools and knowledge to confidently assess your GenAI readiness and propel your organization toward a data-driven, AI-powered future. Hahne references the tools learned via the Imitation Game, which was created by Alan Turing in 1950, to distinguish between a human and a computer. The Turing model utilizes a combination of a human interrogator, a human respondent, and a computer respondent, which provides a framework for the computer respondent to convince the interrogator that it is human. He presents his take on the Turing Test within the application of the open trichotomy model, a modeling technique that allows for “situational analysis” to be conducted while evaluating combinations of scenarios and relationships to arrive at a mathematical outcome supporting a reached conclusion. The model provides a means to “prove out” the Imitation Game and conclude whether information shared emanates from a human or a computer. 

3:15 PM
Coffee & Networking Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
Length: 45 Minutes
4:00 PM
Length: 1 Hour

This session shares insights of industry leaders who have developed, used, or experimented with AI solutions.

8:00 AM
Continental Breakfast
Length: 30 Minutes
8:30 AM
Length: 45 Minutes
, Director, TechnipFMC
, Fellow, KM, APQC
Description: In today’s landscape, the airwaves resonate with discussions about AI. Embracing emerging technologies has elevated KM efforts. From the early days of portals and expertise location to the collaborative power of wikis and shared spaces, technology has consistently given KM a much-needed boost. This conversation begins with Hubert discussing how experts fit into the AI equation with knowledge creation, capture, and seamless transfer. Given observations from today’s breakneck speed of business, the challenges have only gotten more daunting and the need for tapping into expertise is needed even more. She shares a model for thinking of how to enable AI using the skills of experts. In the dynamic interplay between human expertise and AI, she provides a path to unlock the potential for groundbreaking insights that lead us into uncharted territories of new knowledge. As we navigate this synergistic landscape, both seasoned experts and the KM programs that bolster their efforts must seize the opportunity to capitalize on their collective wisdom. Those who work smarter, fearlessly embracing collaboration with AI, are poised for success. 

9:15 AM
Length: 15 Minutes
, Product Marketing Manager, Coveo

Is your enterprise experimenting with generative answering, but facing significant challenges with data cleanliness? Liang shares best practices and discusses the strategic role KM plays in delivering effective GenAI. Get proven strategies for refining generative outputs and practical insights from enterprise customers including Xero, F5, and Forcepoint. Uncover proven metrics and KPIs to ensure accurate, relevant, and safe generated answers, optimizing your knowledgebases. Enhance productivity, proficiency, and decisionmaking with curated generative answering.

9:30 AM
Length: 15 Minutes
, SVP & GM, Upland Software

Coleman cuts through the chaos and offers a practical road map for KM teams grappling with the AI revolution. He discusses three key steps to make no-regrets AI investments while safeguarding your hard-earned KM progress: how to separate AI fact from fiction; how to identify AI opportunities that actually complement your existing KM ecosystem; and how to implement a measured, value-driven approach to AI adoption. Get actionable insights to navigate the next phase of KM with confidence.

9:45 AM
Length: 15 Minutes
, CEO & Co-Founder, Sugarwork
, Co-Founder, Sugarwork

We have all been wowed by amazing examples of generative AI. But beyond the headlines, things look a little different. While employees are leveraging generative AI to increase productivity on individual and team levels, enterprises are frequently not yet using generative AI in a structured manner across their organizations, mainly due to the lack of private enterprise data. Capturing tacit expert knowledge is where big quantifiable gains can be made. The founders of Sugarwork share a customer case study to highlight the productivity gains the business experienced when they captured and deployed tacit expert knowledge at scale using generative AI.

10:00 AM
Coffee & Networking Break
Length: 15 Minutes
10:15 AM
Length: 45 Minutes
, Principal Analyst, Forrester

GenAI is having a profound impact on the knowledge economy and knowledge work with the promise of improved productivity for knowledge workers. As we embrace these transformative forces, organizations must go beyond mere AI integration into existing workflows and reimagine how work is performed. GenAI should empower the GenAI worker—the curious questioner who drives a learning organization—transcending mundane tasks and fostering creativity and innovation. Knowledge improves the human ability to create and engage in innovation, and now is the time to build knowledge capacity and harness GenAI wisely, bridging the gap and propelling us toward a future in which AI truly becomes our advantage. Our experienced analyst and researcher shares trends, strategies, and practices to future-ready your enterprise with GenAI. 

11:15 AM
Length: 45 Minutes
, CEO & Co-Founder, Squirro
, Knowledge & Information Management Consultant, Enterprise Knowledge, LLC
, CEO, inqli

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the integration of human intelligence with AI has become a crucial factor for success. Selz explores the transformative potential of GenAI in business decision making. He highlights the shift from traditional, chat-based interfaces to more autonomous, AI-driven systems, demonstrating how businesses can leverage this technology to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and strategic insight. Using real-world examples, he illustrates the power of GenAI in making business decisions. Our second speakers explore the concept of "human in the loop" and its significance in creating robust AI solutions. They discuss how incorporating human insights can drive more accurate, effective, and ethical AI applications; the benefits and challenges of human-AI collaboration, and the critical impact of tacit knowledge on decision making. Through interactive scenarios and real-world examples, they illustrate how behavioral aspects of knowledge sharing can support the design of effective processes and systems. Get actionable insights and inspiration to implement human-sustainability-focused metrics, leading to greater innovation and long-term success in the enterprise. 

12:00 PM
Length: 1 Hour

Title: Keynote: Presentation by Pryon
Time: 12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
Description: Check back soon for more details.

Title: KMWorld Awards
Time: 12:30 PM - 12:45 PM
Description: KMWorld magazine is proud to sponsor the 2024 KMWorld awards, KM Promise & KM Reality, which are designed to celebrate the success stories of knowledge management. Information Today, Inc. is excited to introduce and present a new award: KM Community Award recognizes an individual who has made a significant impact in the KM community. The awards will be presented along with Step Two’s Digital Awards, where you get a sneak peek behind the firewall of these organizations. Find out more—

1:00 PM
Length: 45 Minutes
, Assistant Vice President, Rogue Credit Union
, Sr. Director, eGain
Description: Credit unions are in a pitched battle with large financial institutions and online banks. There is nothing more mission-critical than member service for their differentiation and very survival. At the same time, credit unions need to reduce service costs, a secular pattern across all industries. Durst talks about how her organization is harnessing the power of eGain’s KM capabilities to elevate member service by delivering trusted answers while controlling costs. Since employing go-live, Rogue’s answer effectiveness has surged by 47% and agent adoption by 40%. Learn more about their journey and experiences and get tips and ideas that you can apply to your business!

2:00 PM
Length: 45 Minutes
, Global Director, Knowledge, Baker McKenzie
, Co-Founder, ClearPeople
, CEO & Founder, Goodable

Pullin shares how her global legal firm is embracing AI through a robust KM and content strategy and an intelligent knowledge platform. At KMWorld 2023, KM “superheroes” were grappling with introducing AI while ensuring governance, data quality, enabling use cases, and providing model choice. Now, bringing AI to production looms to drive increased revenue and productivity. For hesitators, the fear of being left behind is palpable. Stakes and risks are high. That’s why it is prudent to learn from leading organizations like Baker McKenzie, which are garnering real-world AI experience, separating hype from reality. Get tips and learnings from our first speakers. Lila discusses the challenge for organizations as they recognize the importance of a positive work culture for employee retention, engagement, and productivity, but often struggle to find effective strategies to shield their teams from the adverse effects of negative news and foster an atmosphere of positivity and optimism. Discover how leveraging AI to sift through the noise to curate positive news not only uplifts spirits but also promotes a healthier, more optimistic workplace. Lila delves into the intersection of AI, media, and mental health, offering HR experts practical insights on integrating positivity into their wellness programs to boost morale, reduce stress, and improve overall employee satisfaction. Get a sneak peek into the technology behind Goodable, illustrating how AI can be a powerful tool in transforming landscapes for the betterment of workplace well-being. Get tips on how to use AI for good. 

3:00 PM
Length: 45 Minutes
Description: Our AI developers share where they see their organizations and the KM community going in the next year. Those at the leading edge stimulate our imagination about the possibilities for your enterprises and world. Get lots of ideas for possible directions and pathways.

4:00 PM
Closing Keynotes
Length: 15 Minutes
, Director, NICE
Description: This session tackles the crucial role of content preparation for AI in KM. Discover strategies for optimizing content for AI-powered features such as generative search. Hill delves into everything from data structuring to crafting effective prompts equipping you to unlock your knowledgebase's true potential. See AI in action with a compelling case study showcasing a real-world application of generative search and its significant impact. Learn how to transform knowledge boundaries into a springboard for limitless growth.

4:15 PM
Closing Keynotes
Length: 45 Minutes
, Director of Strategic Innovation, Evolve Project
, Principal Analyst, Forrester
, Founder & Principal Analyst, Serious Insights
, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company

Where is KM going with all the AI developments for the enterprise? How are our organizations responding to the social structures and changes in our world? How are they innovating and exceeding customer expectations? Get inspiration from our practitioners and futurists and be ready for KM in 2025.

Featuring These Co-Located Events
  • KMWorld
  • Enterprise Search & Discovery
  • Text Analytics Forum
  • Taxonomy Boot Camp